Bruton Golden Ale 6x 750ml


Light body and delicate aromas recall the flowery and herbal scents typical of the noble varieties of German and continental hops, with a touch of American varieties, making this a pleasantly sessionable beer. Marries well to all the menu, particularly entrees, white meats, salamis or simply to be enjoyed by itself. 6 x 750ml (5.5% ABV)


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Light body and delicate aromas recall the flowery and herbal scents typical of the noble varieties of German and continental hops, with a touch of American varieties, making this a pleasantly sessionable beer. Marries well to all the menu, particularly entrees, white meats, salamis or simply to be enjoyed by itself. 6 x 750ml (5.5% ABV)


Light body and delicate aromas recall the flowery and herbal scents typical of the noble varieties of German and continental hops, with a touch of American varieties, making this a pleasantly sessionable beer. Marries well to all the menu, particularly entrees, white meats, salamis or simply to be enjoyed by itself. 6 x 750ml (5.5% ABV)


Bruton Lilith 12x 330ml
Bruton Stoner 12x 330ml
Bruton Lilith 6x 750ml
Bruton Bianca 6x 750ml
Bruton Bianca 12x 330ml