Bruton Stoner 12x 330ml


A light-golden beer. Fresh but potent to the nose with notes of apricot & candied fruit. Well balanced with hints of honey & fruit which pleasantly mask its fairly high alcoholic content. Excellent with cheddars, filled pasta, risottos, marrow and saffron based dishes, white meats, baked vegetables. 12 x 330ml (7.5% ABV)


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A light-golden beer. Fresh but potent to the nose with notes of apricot & candied fruit. Well balanced with hints of honey & fruit which pleasantly mask its fairly high alcoholic content. Excellent with cheddars, filled pasta, risottos, marrow and saffron based dishes, white meats, baked vegetables. 12 x 330ml (7.5% ABV)


A light-golden beer. Fresh but potent to the nose with notes of apricot & candied fruit. Well balanced with hints of honey & fruit which pleasantly mask its fairly high alcoholic content. Excellent with cheddars, filled pasta, risottos, marrow and saffron based dishes, white meats, baked vegetables. 12 x 330ml (7.5% ABV)


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